The Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Maria Elena Boschi visits Aviorec, a sparkling example of Italian excellence
27 Oct 2017, Posted by News English in
Monday afternoon, October 23rd, the Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Maria Elena Boschi visited our premises accompanied by Jacopo Recchia, C.E.O. of Aviorec, and the Deputy of the Democratic Party Nazzareno Pilozzi and other State authorities.
“Thanks to the policies adopted by the Renzi government and, more recently, by the government of Paolo Gentiloni we are witnessing the rebirth of this important industrial hub, whose products are a sparkling example of Italian excellence fruit of the labours of many young workers”, Ms. Boschi said.
“It has been such an honour to accompany Ms Boschi on today’s visit to Aviorec Composites and Carmesi s.c.p.a. afterwards. These companies, which employ more than 400 high-skilled workers, are two pivotal institutions for the region and part of the Italian small and medium-sized enterprises, reputed as the core of the national manufacturing sector. It is, indeed, thanks to companies like Aviorec and Carmesi if Italy is recovering from the economic crisis showing bullish trend”, Mr. Pilozzi added.
Mr. Recchia concluded saying, “Nowadays quality is of such crucial importance in this sector. Aviorec has been chosen by the major international companies as official supplier of high-quality flight components. This is surely a stepping stone towards a wider market”.
Maria Elena Boschi, sottosegretaria di Stato alla presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, in visita ad Aviorec – 23 ottobre 2017 from Aviorec Composites on Vimeo.
article: Ivan Quiselli, video and video-editing: Nicola Del Gaiso; photos: Giacomo Cestra; translation: Andrea Colella