A new and very important goal for Aviorec Composites: the company enters the Elite program promoted by Leonardo in agreement with CDP and Borsa Italiana
17 May 2019, Posted by News English in
A new, important milestone for Aviorec Composites, officially included – in recent days among the companies that will be able to benefit from the advantages of Borsa ELITE, the international platform of the London Stock Exchange Group born in Borsa Italiana
in 2012. Our company, in fact, among the 22 companies chosen by Leonardo as suppliers of the defense and aerospace group that require high transversal skills for their growth and expansion plans, especially for international development and the structure internal organizational structure.
The agreement intends to start a concrete collaboration for the study of possible solutions in favor of the companies belonging to the “ELITE Leonardo Lounge”, with the aim of improving its financial solidity and supporting their consolidation process. The entry into Aviorec Elite is the first fruit of the agreement between the defense and aerospace group led by Alessandro Profumo, Elite (platform born in the Italian Stock Exchange to promote the financial growth of SMEs) and the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. The agreement, linked to a partnership announced by Leonardo and Elite last February, aims to foster the development of Leonardo’s suppliers and is also part of the Leonardo program called LEAP 2020, which aims to strengthen the chain of supply to make it sustainable in the medium-long term. Only companies with a consolidated structure, solid balance sheets and growth prospects can access the program: Aviorec Composites has demonstrated that it has all the necessary requirements to join the program.
Prestigious project partners are: Borsa Italiana, London Stock Exchange, SDA Bocconi University and Ministry of Economic Development.
“The partnership with its customers is a fundamental aspect of our company’s strategy and this path we start accompanied by the team of the Italian Stock Exchange and Leonardo will allow us to develop our expansion plan internationally in a structured manner,” said Jacopo Recchia , CEO of Aviorec Composites.
“The agreement – said Alessandro Profumo, managing director of Leonardo – represents a further step forward in the path taken in coherence with our industrial plan and the objectives of sustainable development to build a solid and reliable supply chain”. The CEO of Elite, Luca Peyrano, stressed that the agreement, which brings the community to 1,160 companies, of which over 700 are Italian, “has been co-designed on the needs of a large operator and represents a system innovation that does not exist in Europe ”. Nunzio Tartaglia, head of the Cdp Imprese management, added that “we must focus on the supply chains. We are thinking about another couple of initiatives to be launched by the end of the year ”. Finally, Profumo defined possible “aggregations in some specific sectors to acquire leadership, but not for the holding company.