“La diplomazia della crescita verso Expo Osaka 2025: le imprese del Lazio”: at the Palazzo della Farnesina in Rome the signing of the agreement between the trade associations of the industry and infrastructure sector of the Lazio Region and the General Commissariat for Italy at the Osaka Expo 2025
27 May 2024, Posted by News English in
Aviorec Composites, a company of the Recchia Group, took part yesterday – Wednesday 15 May 2024 – in the conference “The diplomacy of growth towards Expo Osaka 2025: the companies of Lazio” organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Lazio Region and promoted by the Recchia Group. Among the objectives of the initiative are to encourage the participation of the industrial and entrepreneurial system of the Lazio Region in the next universal exhibition organized by the Bureau international des Expositions, which will be held next year in Osaka, Japan, on the artificial island of Yumeshima. Attending the event was the Vice President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation the Hon. Antonio Tajani; the president of the Lazio regional council Francesco Rocca; the General Commissioner for Italy at EXPO Osaka 2025 Ambassador Mario Vattani; the CEO of Aviorec Composites Jacopo Recchia. Also present were representatives of various trade associations that signed the agreement. “Since the beginning of my mandate I have placed support for the internationalization of the Italian entrepreneurial system at the center of the Farnesina’s action: a projection that also passes through major international events”, stated Minister Antonio Tajani during his speech . “Participation in Expo 2025 Osaka – he added – represents an extraordinary opportunity to promote Italian know-how and our entrepreneurial fabric abroad”.
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“When Ambassador Vattani asked us to coordinate the trade associations and companies in Lazio to sign a memorandum of understanding in view of the Expo we immediately took action – explains Jacopo Recchia – clearly for us it was an honor as a company and as people to be able to actively collaborate in the organization and success of the event, which is, in fact, a promotion of the Country System abroad and, through it, of what I would not hesitate to define as the “Lazio System”, which brings together strategic companies from the most disparate sectors. This full room today speaks very well of the fact that Lazio is an important reality from an economic-industrial point of view and capable of generating added value for the country.” “Expo 2025 Osaka will be a space in which almost eight billion people from all over the world will not only be visitors but will co-create the path towards our future society to share challenges and solutions – added Jacopo Recchia, CEO of Aviorec – our company, the group of which it is part, has decided to make its contribution because we believe that this will be the place where global knowledge and cutting-edge technology will be brought together to give life to new shared ideas, with the aim of helping to solve the global problems facing humanity.”